Lazy gallbladder diet

Lazy gallbladder (biliary dyskinesia) is a problem that afflicts many people, symptoms of chronic pain characteristics (in the liver) and digestive difficulties of recurrent (weight stomach problems to evacuate and bloating).

Several studies have shown that lead a diet right, drink plenty of water and physical activity can often help improve this complication.


A diet for lazy gallbladder must meet three criteria: low in fat, fractionated and small volumes.

Low-fat diet

It should reduce total fat food, animal as well as the vegetables (oils and margarines). This is accomplished by proper selection of foods.

Use low-fat dairy (milk, yogurt and cheese). Avoid hard cheeses and grating. Do not consume food in the form of creams or desserts. Avoid cocoa.

Remove visible fat from meats and dairy products. Use low-fat cuts: beef, turkey, skinless chicken, rabbit, and fish (always be prepared in the oven or grill). Avoid lamb and pork. No sausage or pork products.

Eggs are not well tolerated generally, the fat is in the yolk, although accepted best boiled or poached. Fried foods are recommended.

Margarine is better tolerated than butter. Visible fat foods should be removed Nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) are not recommended because of a high fat content.

Fractional Diet:

Intakes should split up. It should make no less than 6 meals a day, leaving no spaces interdigestive several hours long, allowing better digestion of foods and a more appropriate intestinal passage.

Diet of small volumes:

The volumes are essential for proper digestion. Avoid using vegetable flatulent gases, especially vegetables boiled or mashed. Avoid diets rich in waste. The types of cooking are recommended: boiled, steamed, grilled, and the foil.

Daily menu for the lazy gallbladder:

  • Breakfast: 1 glass of warm water fasting, 1 glass of orange juice, 1 tea of your choice and 1 egg.
  • Morning Snack: ½ cup skim milk with 3 tablespoons of fibers.
  • Lunch: 1 cup vegetable broth 1 tablespoon of bran, 150g. chicken, salad choice and 2 kiwis.
  • Mid-afternoon: 2 plums.
  • Snack: 1 infusion choice, 1 whole wheat toast and 1 block.
  • Dinner: 1 cup vegetable broth 1 tablespoon granulated oats, 200g. beef, mashed pumpkin and 1 serving of stewed plums.
  • After dinner: 1 Boldo tea or chamomile.