Tips for eating a balanced diet

To make a diet is important to follow these tips to make this a success. It is essential to learn to eat, a diet is not to starve but eat every "x" amount of time so we do not claim our stomach food.

A balanced diet includes offering the body the nutrients it needs, it is important to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats and diminish the consumption of fat, sugar and other foods with empty calories. It also includes drinking plenty of water and reduce the amount of sodas.

The first advice is to use oil as necessary, always use the olive. Do not eat the bread crumb and cheese you buy is low in fat, as with the milk must be skimmed.

Another advice is to forget the white flour and passes to the integral. By mid-morning and mid afternoon you need to eat a fruit, this will make us reach the next meal with less appetite.

Your diet should turn fruits and vegetables, as these provide vitamins, minerals, water and fiber.