Tips for eating healthy when you're in a hurry

When time is short, it seems impossible to eat anything other than a sandwich or burger, I approached some healthy tips:
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Avoid sugary drinks: because they are empty calories that can be replaced with a bottle of water, juice or unsweetened iced tea

Do not eat unless you are hungry: it is easy for the anxiety win and you finish eating something from a kiosk. They should avoid those calories unnecessary.

Make a stop at the grocery store: choose fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

Pay attention to portion sizes: do not be fooled by hunger, in a restaurant as well as a take away, should be careful with portion sizes: not overeat.

Avoid sugary drinks: because they are empty calories that can be replaced with a bottle of water, juice or unsweetened iced tea.

Opt for lower fat options: for meals as well as for snacks, there are products with less fat than the other, for a snack, you should choose a cereal bar before a sweet.