Tips and Tricks for cooking fish

We collect here some great tips and tricks for cooking fish. You can try them for practical on your own risk.

1.    1.    Select fish recipes that build on and respect the natural flavor of the fish, are the best.

2. The fish should be washed with fresh water in a faucet. Dry it immediately with a clean cloth.

3. A golden advice is not to over-fire the fish. For example: do not boil too. A boiled fish loses its flavor too, apart from many of its nutritional benefits. In any case, follow the minimum cooking time, if it has not previously been recommended freezing.

Select fish recipes that build on and respect the natural flavor of the fish

4. Don’t reheat fish. Except in some fish stews should not overheat.

5. It is not advisable to cut the fish when you are grilling as it will lose juices and drier.

6. The heads and bones are excellent for fish soups. Not the tires, take it.

7. All fish dishes will be more flavorful sauce instead of water if you add fish stock. To make the broth, cook in two liters of water, a kilo of fish heads and bones of white, a leek, a carrot and an onion. Boil until one liter of broth. Strain and can be stored frozen for a month.

8. The best containers for baked fish are ceramic and clay.

9. The fish and frozen at -45 ° cold chain has not been interrupted offers excellent guarantees and no worse than fresh.

10. The bought fresh fish is preserved much better in the refrigerator if wrapped in a wet cloth or ice gets bitten by something in a pot.

11. Lemon is an excellent accompaniment to fish from their sources that use served to alleviate the poor condition when transported from the ports to the interior. Using it is beneficial. If you suspect the taste that has eaten a piece of seafood or fish that is in poor condition, have a glass of milk afterwards.

12. To avoid the strong smell that the fish dishes can be immersed in a vessel heavily laden with tea or rub them with half an onion. Vinegar is also a good ally for cleaning dishes. You can also remove the fish smell from your house by burning ground coffee in a pan. Also works well with lemon fish spreads before doing so.