Foods that heal sickness

We continue on the path of responsible caring feeding our health. Did you know that in 1931 a scientist received the Nobel Prize for discovering the primary cause and prevention of cancer? Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970), assure that cancer is the result of a physiological anti food and physiological anti lifestyle.

Foods and foods that heal sick

Lack of oxygen and acidosis are two sides of the same coin, discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (can live or grow without oxygen) and can not survive with high levels of oxygen.

Healthy cells in a living organism and oxygenated alkali and live cancer cells in one acid only. Cancer is a defense mechanism that has certain body cells to stay alive in an environment devoid of oxygen and acid.

When you eat food, your body digests it and depending on the quality of the nutrients and / or processes to which it was subjected in its preparation, cause a condition of acidity or alkalinity of the body. These values ​​can be measured with a scale called PH, whose levels are in a range of 0 to 14, being 7.4 PH a neutral PH.

I pulled up a list of foods that acidify the body:

  • Refined sugar and all its derivatives
  • Meat (all)
  • Cow's milk and all its derivatives
  • Refined salt
  • Refined flour and all its derivatives (pastas, breads, crackers, cookies, etc..)
  • hydrogenated margarines.
  • Soft (all)
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Snuff
  • Drugs

Any food cooked, the longer the cooking, the food will be more acidic.
All manufactured products (those containing preservatives, colorants, flavors, stabilizers, etc.).

I approached the body alkalized foods:

All raw fruits and vegetables (some are acidic, but within the body is alkalized, the lemon has a pH of about 2.2, when you eat is alkaline).
Seeds (small if not active properly, you have to grind).
Grains and legumes: the only alkalizing grain is millet, all the others are slightly acidifying. But the sprouts are very alkalizing.
Honey is highly alkalizing.
The chlorophyll in plants (any plant) is highly alkalizing (especially wheatgrass and aloe vera).
The water.
Sodium bicarbonate.
The  exercise oxygenates the entire body.
Hippocrates said that, "food be your only medicine and your medicine be food."